The kind of the northern forests

The Moose Is a hooved deer found most commonly in North America but also parts of Europe ( where it is referred as an elk). They are herbivore and feeds on a variety of plants and fruits. In general they live solitary lives, meeting in smalls groups only for mating seasons. Bull moose use theirContinue reading “The kind of the northern forests”

The last true wild horse ?

The Przewalski Horse is famously known as the last true wild horse. Even though in 2018 a DNA study revealed that they are actually descendant of domesticated horse. So in reality they may be feral just like mustangs and avoid humans contact. But even this study is being questioned and so the answer to thisContinue reading “The last true wild horse ?”

The little owl that lives underground

Who went viral with their big attitudes If you go online you can find multiple viral videos of these burrowing owls. Their big eyes makes them truly expressive, either in photos or videos. They are also pretty much the only owl species active during the day, especially in the early morning and late evening, allowingContinue reading “The little owl that lives underground”

Deadly kitty

The black-footed cat Is the smallest wild cat endemic to Africa ( specifically Southern Africa), measuring a measly 50 cm at the smallest. They lead mostly a nocturnal and solitary life only meeting to mate. They spend most of their time hunting small rodents and birds with a complement of insects, having to compensate it’sContinue reading “Deadly kitty”

Deep blue angel

The hyacinth macaw Is the largest of all macaws and it’s stunning blue plumage distinguish them easily from other macaws. They are found in central and eastern south America. Their main diet is composed of nuts and fruits. They live in small groups and sometime are found on clay cliffs licking the rocks for minerals.Continue reading “Deep blue angel”

The striped giraffe

The okapi An African animal that look likes a odd mix of animals including zebras for their striped legs. They are actually closer to giraffes, which can be confirmed by looking at their heads and their long tongues. They are shorter than giraffes because they live in the rainforest, being too tall would cut theirContinue reading “The striped giraffe”

The biggest and most chill hamster

A family affair The capybara is a semi-aquatic animals living in south America. It is the largest rodent being 2 feet high at shoulders. They can live in groups of 40 individuals, males and females mixed. Babies will sometime nurse on females other than their own mothers. They are herbivores and will eat anything fromContinue reading “The biggest and most chill hamster”

Legs for days

The maned wolf is not a wolf despite his name Nor is it a fox, it’s part of no family but it’s own since it’s not even closely related to other canids. The name of their genus is Chrysocyon. Standing at around 90 cm or 35 inches it is also the tallest of all canids.Continue reading “Legs for days”

The pink fairy that lives underground.

The smallest of the armadillos The pink fairy armadillo is a small mammal endemic to Argentina. They lives their whole lives underground just like a moles would, only coming outside when being forced by heavy storms. Outside, the armadillo is incredibly vulnerable to predators. They possess huge claws relative to their body sizes and areContinue reading “The pink fairy that lives underground.”

The flightless parrot

The heaviest parrot in the world The kakapo is a bird endemic to New Zealand. It’s name in Māori means night parrot, a fitting name for a mostly nocturnal bird. Because of the lack of predators on the island, the kakapo lost the use of it’s wings and cannot fly, they spend most of theirContinue reading “The flightless parrot”